N64 YUV2RGB Library (C, C++, C#, VB.NET)
This is a simple multi-language library that can be used to convert between YUV16 and RGB data. Note: This library only converts binary data. It does not convert bitmap images like PNG, JPEG, or BMP to YUV16 data, although you could easily decode those into RGB data and then convert to YUV16 using this library.

You can see more details and the source code on the GitHub page: https://github.com/DavidSM64/N64-YUV2RGB-Library

  • YUV2RGB: Decodes a YUV value into a RGB value
  • RGB2YUV: Encodes 2 RGB pixels into 1 UYVY pair
  • decodeArray_YUVtoRGB: Decodes an array of YUV data (UYVY pairs) into an RGB data array.
  • decodeArray_YUVtoRGBA: Decodes an array of YUV data (UYVY pairs) into an RGBA data array.
  • encodeArray_YUVfromRGB: Encodes an array of RGB data into an YUV (UYVY pairs) data array.
  • encodeArray_YUVfromRGBA: Encodes an array of RGBA data into an YUV (UYVY pairs) data array.

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