SM64 ROM Manager (Info & Download)
Thanks for the tip after struggling I successfully have a custom title screen running on a vanilla rom(not my pilzinsel64 version)

The trick for me was the rare logo is incompatible for some reason and more importantly set 21FDC7:00 from 01 or I get a crash in project 64 about my gfx card and drawing graphics error. If you remove the rare logo the n64 one is pretty much perfect scale and position imported at x500 and works no problem

Now the problem cannot be solved with my pilzinsel64 edited rom, the same settings it still crashes project 64.

The route im going now is just using skreluxs editor to expand the rom(no patches) put the custom title screen and from there edit it only via Pilzinsel64 manager see if that works. Is there a problem with this route hardware compatibility wise? Another route I thought was to use pilzinsel64 custom model importer but im not sure I have the right offsets and causes just a crash.

Picture of successful custom screen with non pilzinsel64 edited rom

Picture trying to use rom manager custom import(unsuccessful)

Edit: Rom Manager can no longer open the rom with a custom title it seems.

Edit 2: Okay i getting close to replacing it with just rom manager custom import. I set the offsets like the rom editor lists and get a scrambled model with incorrect textures if importing with pilzinsel64 model importer no matter the import scale
[Image: 6h9a.png]

 I  figured out the 16byte offsets and imported via sm64editor because custom editor wasn't working even with 0x in front.

Works great on Project 64 and MAME but with Cen64 and real hardware i get a animated rainbow texture. I went through all  Fast3D display lists and replaced FC 12 7F FF FF FF F8 38 with FC 12 7E 24 FF FF F9 FC past A000000 as mentioned fixed custom title textures but it had no effect on the animated(?) texture

Looking at the  hack64 Wiki in the title section it mentions importing a custom title screen replaces 0x8016F984 with 0x00000000

Simply replace 0x00000000 back with 0x8016F984 to bring back the TM and copyright graphics. This also stops the rainbow texture from animating but i cannot figure out how to fix it for hardware and restore custom textures on the title.



Messages In This Thread
RE: SM64 ROM Manager (Brand new all-in-one tool for SM64 Hacking) - Public Beta - by Godoad64 - 10-17-2018, 07:38 AM
RE: SM64 ROM Manager (Info & Download) - by Ezakt - 07-27-2020, 03:00 PM

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